We met at ConBust and talked about your wonderful comic Animal Control. I think it would be very popular with science educators, UU Sunday schools, environmental values educators and 4th grade teachers with a sense of humor.
I have a friend who is doing a variety show in electricity. He needs a cartoonist. I think you’d be perfect.
You are very hard to reach – no email listed anywhere I could find. But I’d love to be in touch about this and other possible people who would love your work and need it. Please email me. Thanks.
We met at ConBust and talked about your wonderful comic Animal Control. I think it would be very popular with science educators, UU Sunday schools, environmental values educators and 4th grade teachers with a sense of humor.
I have a friend who is doing a variety show in electricity. He needs a cartoonist. I think you’d be perfect.
You are very hard to reach – no email listed anywhere I could find. But I’d love to be in touch about this and other possible people who would love your work and need it. Please email me. Thanks.